It is part of the standards, that women should be empowered... If a woman is empowered, then the house will also be empowered, economically and socially.
Elizabeth Chepkwony, coffee farmer, Kabngetuny cooperative, Kenya

There is an enormous variety of products covered by the Fairtrade Standards. Each purchase of a Fairtrade product can make a real difference for farmers and workers around the world. Learn more about the leading Fairtrade products below.
A go-to snack for people on the run, bananas are a supermarket staple. Fairtrade works with banana farmers and workers to create sustainable livelihoods.
Chances are you ate some this week – the world loves cocoa, but wouldn’t love the conditions of many of those who grow it. Fairtrade works to give cocoa farmers a leg up.
Synonymous with starting your day, coffee is a big business. Fairtrade aims to give coffee farmers stability in an unpredictable market environment.
Flowers are admired for their beauty, but growing them is tough work. Fairtrade empowers flower workers in a number of ways.
Fairtrade works with small-scale sugar cane farmers to improve their bargaining position as well as their businesses and communities.
Workers and farmers in the multi-billion dollar tea industry face difficult conditions. Fairtrade works to change that.
Critical for clothing and more, cotton is often produced under challenging conditions. Fairtrade works to change that.
Not everybody benefits from the lucrative trade in fresh fruit and juices. Fairtrade seeks to change that.
Herbs and spices liven up our food, but growers are often left with a bitter taste. Fortunately a huge variety of Fairtrade herbs and spices are now available.
Beekeepers in developing countries face many challenges that Fairtrade helps to address.
Eat them whole, or find them in cooking oils and cosmetics. There is a huge variety of Fairtrade nuts, seeds and pitted fruits available.
Considered a superfood, quinoa is growing in popularity worldwide. Fairtrade supports farmers to make quinoa sustainable.
Rice farmers are often forced to sell much of their harvest at prices below the costs of production. Fairtrade works to change that.
An enormous variety of vegetables are covered by the Fairtrade Standards, offering small-scale farmers and plantation workers new avenues to sell their produce.
Fairtrade offers wine growers and workers in developing countries a chance to improve their conditions.
Fairtrade Gold is more than just gold, it’s gold with heart. Because we care about the people who mine this precious mineral as well as the environment surrounding the mines they work in.
It’s not all fun and games. Most sports balls are hand-stitched by people who work long hours in poor conditions, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Fairtrade developed a comprehensive approach to improve conditions and sustainability at all stages of the textile supply chain.
As part of our response to climate change, Fairtrade pioneered a way for rural communities and farmers to gain access to the carbon market.
For products mixing multiple ingredients, Fairtrade has special rules. The finished product is still fair and delicious.
It is part of the standards, that women should be empowered... If a woman is empowered, then the house will also be empowered, economically and socially.
Elizabeth Chepkwony, coffee farmer, Kabngetuny cooperative, Kenya