
Product Standard for Small-scale Producer Organizations

This standard covers the purchase and sale of both Arabica and Robusta coffee in their primary form (green beans). For the sections under certification and traceability (only), the standard also covers any processed products and derivatives.

Interpretation note

Main Changes

For information on the changes made since the previous version, see:

EN | Main changes document

ES | Documento de los cambios principales

FR | Document sur les principaux changements

PT | Documento sobre as principais mudanças

Guidance on Productivity and Quality Improvement

The following guidance document on productivity and quality improvements describes best practice in making investments with the 5 cents USD per pound of the Fairtrade Premium that is to be allocated toward investments in productivity and/or quality of Fairtrade Coffee.

EN | Guidance productivity and quality improvement

ES | Mejora de la productividady de la calidad

FR | Amélioration de la productivité et de la qualité

PT | Melhoria da produtividade e / ou da qualidade

Guidance on Price Risk Management

The following guidance document on price risk management strategies is also a tool for producers, and traders, to help them manage price risk, especially in the current context of high market price volatility.

EN | Fairtrade Guidance on Price Risk Management Strategy

ES | Documento Orientativo sobre el Manejo del Riesgo de Precios

Guidance on FOB Price Deductions for Coffee

Fairtrade Prices for Coffee - Frequent Questions & Answers

This standard covers the purchase and sale of both Arabica and Robusta coffee in their primary form (green beans). For the sections under certification and traceability (only), the standard also covers any processed products and derivatives.

The standard also covers its secondary products and their derivatives.

The Fairtrade standard covers two species of green coffee: Coffea arabica (Arabica coffee) and Coffea canephora (Robusta coffee).

Fairtrade Minimum Prices have been set for washed coffee and natural coffee. Pulped natural coffee is considered as washed coffee.

The standard also covers secondary products and their derivatives.

Standard for Small-scale producer organizations

This product-specific standard applies to small-scale producer organizations as explained here. Together, the Fairtrade Standard for Small-scale Producer Organizations and the product standard above define the terms of trade. Please read both documents for further guidance.

Does your company want to trade this Fairtrade product?

Aspects of this product standard also apply to companies that wish to trade with producers. The product standard above works in conjunction with the Fairtrade Trader Standard to outline the terms of trade for this product.