2 Dec 2020
Ecuador: Virtual training on climate change leadership for producers is well underway
48 young producers from 22 Fairtrade certified organizations across Ecuador are remotely taking part in the climate change leadership school

Forty-eight young producers from 22 Fairtrade certified cocoa, coffee, quinoa, banana, and sugar cane organizations from different provinces in Ecuador are remotely taking part, from October until December 2020, in a climate change leadership school. The Fairtrade Ecuadorian National Platform, in close collaboration with CLAC’s Exchange project Development Cooperation Program, oversees the school.
After a successful programme in Nicaragua, this is the second session taking place in 2020. The training is offered through an online educational platform where producers can explore different topics while carrying out practical exercises related to leadership, advocacy, and climate change.
Participants can pick their own learning pace and virtual sessions through Zoom enable them to discuss and analyze challenges with peers. They also get the opportunity to introduce their organizations and make them known to the rest of the participants.
Taking into consideration the socioeconomic, cultural, and production realities of the participants, 'Learning by Doing' is the main approach of the school. This model puts the student at the core of the learning process. There are no teachers, as it happens in a conventional school, but rather facilitators who accompany the process and facilitate exchange.
The Climate Change Leadership School is an experience where self-leadership, empowerment, motivation, creativity, participation, attitude, and positive action from the students are fundamental. Producer, Eduardo Romero Mendoza, shares his goal: “Being aware of the importance of taking care of the environment in order to become a leader that is friendly to the planet and leave a sustainable and durable planet to our future generations." María Fernanda Cun shares that her aspiration is “to be an exemplary leader”.
As the school will come to an end, it is expected that leaders such as María Fernanda will possess more tools and knowledge to advocate and be agents of change within their families, communities and organizations. We will keep you informed on their progress and achievements!
For more information, visit the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Fair Trade Small Producers and Workers website.