3 Mar 2016
Fairtrade Awards 2016
The International Fairtrade Awards were celebrated in Berlin on 3 March 2016. For the second time, Fairtrade honoured outstanding farmers, workers, traders and supporters who are driving change in their communities.

Image © TransFair e.V./Frank Nürnberger
Almost 100 groups and individuals had applied or were nominated for the awards. The winners were selected by an international panel of sustainability experts nominated by the Fairtrade producer networks in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The awards event in Berlin was held jointly with Fairtrade Germany who celebrated the 5th German Fairtrade Awards.
Small Producer Organization of the Year
This award acknowledges small-scale farmers who have excelled in production, sustained markets and met consumer demands to enhance their communities’ livelihoods. The 2016 winners are:
COCAFCAL, Honduras

COCAFCAL is a coffee cooperative supporting sustainable development for the benefit of over 5000 people in and around Las Capucas in northwest Honduras. The organization aims to improve the living conditions of its 800 members and their 12 communities, especially in health, education, infrastructure and sport. In 2015 COCAFCAL partnered with Autonomous University of Honduras to establish the first virtual university in the country, and more than 40 applications have already been received from prospective students. COCAFCAL has also invested in projects to help the community members increase their income through fishing and tourism, and by producing lemongrass and dried fruit. It collects coffee from its members for processing in its own plant. Watch a short video of COCAFCAL.
Sukambizi Association Trust, Malawi

Sukambizi Association Trust
is an organization of small-scale tea producers founded in 2003 in the
Mount Mulanje area of southern Malawi. A sustainable organization
structure sees over 100 lead farmers train their fellow tea growers on
the requirements of the Fairtrade Standards. Since acquiring
certification in 2008, the association has grown its membership from
4000 to over 8600 as local farmers have seen how Fairtrade Premium
projects have made important advances to living standards. For example,
most Sukambizi members – of whom 70 percent are women - can now send
their children to school and feed their families well. There have been
some large construction projects also, such as a new school with enough
places for 1200 primary students, a road bridge over the Ruo River, and a
maternity wing extension to the nearby Naphimba clinic. The Fairtrade
Premium even enabled the association to install a 28km pipeline to
supply 12 villages with drinkable water. Watch a short video of Sukambizi.
Small Organic Farmers’ Association (SOFA), Sri Lanka

The Small Organic Farmers’ Association
(SOFA) is a certified organic farmer organization for high quality tea
in Sri Lanka. SOFA is made up of 2108 farmer families who are supported
by the association to work in a democratic and transparent manner. SOFA
pays special attention to the sustainability of the environment,
implementing programmes on soil conservation, soil fertility, carbon
emissions reduction, watersheds protection, and reforestation. The
Fairtrade Premium is reinvested in various income generating activities:
tea plants, seeds and various crops are distributed among the farmers
to promote biodiversity; cows and goats are given for commercial milk
production (with the cow dung used as an organic fertilizer); and
agricultural equipment is procured to encourage efficient and systematic
farming. Social welfare programmes funded by the Premium include
educational assistance and pre-schools for the farmers’ children,
drinking water projects, community centre construction, and projects to
help women become self-employed. Watch a short video of SOFA.
Premium Committee of the Year
This category honours Fairtrade Premium Committees that have taken innovative decisions on the use of premium money and fostered their communities' development. The winners are:
Fundación de Trabajadores de Comercio Justo de Urabá (FUNTRAJUSTO), Colombia

The Fundación de Trabajadores de Comercio Justo de Urabá
– or FUNTRAJUSTO – is a Colombian workers’ foundation comprising 15
Fairtrade certified farms. FUNTRAJUSTO was created in 2012 and is the
first foundation in the Urabá region to organize social work projects in
local communities. It gives priority to groups such as women, youth and
the elderly. Its first project was the opening of a new school in the
village of El Tigre, which meant 80 children no longer had to study in
an old farm. FUNTRAJUSTO also ensures that working conditions meet
Fairtrade requirements, and empowers its workers by helping them to
improve communications with management. Watch a short video of FUNTRAJUSTO.
United Nilgiri Tea Estates Company Limited (UNTEA), India

United Nilgiri Tea Estates Company Limited
was one of the first organizations in India to be Fairtrade certified.
It operates four tea estates in the picturesque Nilgiri Hills of Tamil
Nadu in the south of the country, producing high quality teas at
altitudes of over 2000 metres. The Nilgiri Premium Committee has a twin
emphasis on education and health. In education, the Premium has helped
to fund the building of eight classrooms and one audio visual room with
900 students now benefiting from 25 new computers; while two school
buses and hostels help those children who live further away to attend
classes. In its other core area, a community health centre has already
received around 12,000 patients and has given all workers, their spouses
and children the option of immunization against Hepatitis B. Crèches
and an orphanage have been opened and at the other end of the life
scale, there is now a pension scheme. Watch a short video of UNTEA.
Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union, Ethiopia

The Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union
unites 22 groups of farmers across six districts in Gedeo, southern
Ethiopia. Yirgacheffe farmers are proud that their organic fertilizers, a
wide forest canopy and gentle climate produce a high quality Arabica
coffee. The union and its continually expanding membership have built
and maintain schools in their communities, seeing education of the
children as the way to a better future. Yirgacheffe has also invested in
infrastructure projects: building roads and bridges, improving pathways
and installing electricity. Many women in particular say this is
“lighting up their lives”. Watch a short video of Yirgacheffe.
Global Trader of the Year
This award acknowledges outstanding achievements from traders in building sustainable supply chains and recognizing the needs of smallholder farmers. The winner is:
Zaytoun CIC, UK

Zaytoun CIC
began working with small-scale cooperatives in the Palestinian
Territories in 2004 to help olive oil producers access markets and
overcome restrictions resulting from the ongoing conflict in the region.
Initially funded by hundreds of customers who put up payment in advance
of receiving their oil, Zaytoun quickly established itself as a UK
social enterprise and delivered the world's first Fairtrade certified
olive oil in 2009. The Zaytoun product range now extends to other
foodstuffs from the West Bank and Gaza including almonds, dates and
maftoul - large hand-rolled cous cous – and the commitment to facilitate
an economic independence for Palestinians is ongoing. Zaytoun has a
Palestinian director in the West Bank who encourages farmers to create
strong cooperatives to enhance their businesses as well as their
communities, and there is a continual drive to find agents who will help
to transport the produce through border crossings to the export points.
Zaytoun is working with the Soil Association on gaining organic status
for its remaining foodstuffs and has been helping women producers with
their green olives and sun-dried tomatoes. Zaytoun also organises olive
harvest and tree planting tours to engage UK-based supporters of
Fairtrade and help sustain the olive industry in the face of grove
destruction. Read more about Zaytoun.
Biggest Fairtrade Fan
This category acknowledges special achievements from outstanding Fairtrade supporters worldwide, who work tirelessly towards attaining the Fairtrade vision. In this category, the judges had shortlisted 10 candidates and the final winner was chosen by the public through an online voting. The winner is:
Bijumon Kurian, President of Manarcadu Social Services Society, India

Bijumon Kurian continuously pushes farmers and workers across Asia to
enhance their knowledge about Fairtrade Standards. As president of Manarcadu Social Services Society
in the Indian state of Kerala, Bijumon has worked tirelessly to empower
women and motivate young people for farming, and enhance the knowledge
transfer among the 1600 small-scale farmers supported by the
cooperative. He has also initiated training and knowledge exchange
programmes for tea garden workers. In his role as board member of the
Fairtrade Network of Asia and Pacific Producers (NAPP), Bijumon has
focussed on enhancing the visibility of Asian producers in global
markets by organizing their participation in a number of trade fairs and
business trips. He has been representing small producers as their
delegate in the NAPP general assembly for the past three years, making
sure their voice is heard in regional decision-making. Read more about Bijumon